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Sales Tool Creation
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Target Market Profiling
Marketing Plan Development
Distribution Channel Identification











Business Plan Development and Campaigns

On The Mark Consulting, LLC has over 10 years of experience building and creating Business Development campaigns in the High Tech and Retail sectors. Campaigns include both your business plan and your marketing plan working together to build your business and product awareness.

Business Plan Development Includes:

  1. Economic Outlook

  2. Competitive Analysis

  3. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

  4. Detailed Technical Product and Service Requirements

  5. Billing Requirements

  6. Pricing Strategy

  7. Marketing Strategy

  8. Sales Strategy

Marketing Plan Development

We cover all four P's of a successful Marketing Plan:

  1. Product

  2. We will help you define your product/service needs and requirements. We will work directly with your target audience to validate and give you feedback on your product plan.

  3. Price

  4. We will conduct competitive analyses to ensure your pricing strategy is effective in today's market.

  5. Promotion

  6. We will review multiple strategies for advertising to fit your budget.

  7. Placement

  8. We will help you define your target audience and routes to market.

Target Market Profiling

Sales Tool Creation

In our experience we find sales and marketing organizations need tools and materials to help them to clearly communicate their company's value proposition, and to shorten the sales cycle. We will work with your sales and marketing organizations to understand what tools have the greatest impact, and even those that may be ineffective. We use a variety of research tools to obtain direct feedback from your customers to learn about their experience with your products or services. This research will serve two purposes: (a) it will help pinpoint key areas to focus on with new marketing tools while also (b) identifying satisfied customers who could be used as a case study or testimonial.


Distribution Channel Identification

Distribution Channel Identification

If your distribution channel is not meeting the growth potential you expect or dream of, we can help Identify the distribution channels you are missing out on, and make sure your current channels are meeting your demands.

On the Mark Consulting, LLC has worked with International companies to help them identify key U.S. markets to sell into, as well as helping domestic companies investigate and identify new channels of distribution or new routes to market. We will ask the right questions such as:

  • Are you selling into a single channel, but want to develop other channels?

  • Is your model direct or indirect?

  • Do you sell to wholesalers, retailers, resellers, etc.?

  • Do you want to sell internationally?

Business Plan Development









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